1 min read

A Closer Look With Deputy Robin Taylor

Deputy Robin Taylor has been with the Geauga County Sheriff's Department since 2006. She first began her career as a first responder, before becoming a deputy with the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). During her tenure, she trained members of the Geauga County Sheriff's office as first responders during domestic violence calls. In 2021, Deputy Taylor was a recipient of the National Crime Victims' Service Award. She currently also serves as a member of the Marsy's Law for Ohio Advisory Board. 


Through your experiences working with victims/survivors, how do you believe Marsy’s Law for Ohio helps victims and survivors of crime?

Marsy’s Law is really about Justice For All. A crime victim now has rights in Ohio and they are all being told about their rights at the time the crime is reported. Victims now have an idea of what to expect and what they are entitled to moving forward in the criminal justice system.

Since Marsy’s Law has passed in your state, what differences have you seen/anticipate seeing take place in the court system?

Law Enforcement is now giving the victims a written summary of the scene that is provided by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office. The summary advises victims of the crime of their extensive rights as a victim of crime. Victims will know what the next steps are, who to call, and where the defendant is located if he/she is incarcerated or released. This is all-important to keep the victims safe and prevent further traumatization.

Which component of Marsy’s Law stands out most to you and why?

To be heard in ANY public proceeding involving release, plea, sentencing disposition, or in any public proceeding in which a right of the victim is implicated. Victims should know about each and every court hearing that is held.

As you've worked to spread awareness about Marsy's Law in Ohio, what has been the response from those you work with and in your community?

Fellow Law Enforcement Officers understand the need for victims’ rights and they were happy to assist with providing the information on-scene. This is not just another form to remember to hand out, this information is vital in providing some comfort on the scene to the victim and aide the victims with knowledge going forward with the court process. The public appears to be grateful when we hand them the form. Often the form causes victims to ask more questions while on the scene so that we can provide more information on what to expect.

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